Sermon 3: "Managing God's Resources"

Abundant Life  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Scripture Reference: Matthew 25: Description: Delving into the practical aspects of managing the resources God has entrusted to us wisely and faithfully.

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all doing well, and I trust you are all having a great Sunday morning so far. Dismiss kids to their class, welcome those online as part of extended spiritual family. Encourage people to follow along on one of the podcast options of Spotify, Google, Apple as an easy way to listen if you miss a week, and an easy way to share with a friend and steward that resource that God has blessed you with.
We have been in this series for the last couple of weeks, and we have another couple of weeks in this series. We are looking at Stewardship and what it means to take care of the resources that have been entrusted to us by God. You see, over the last few weeks we have specifically been talking about how God owns everything and that everything that we have, is because of a blessing from God. Then of course we also talked about how many times God will bless you, not so that you can hold onto that blessing, but so that you can use that blessing to bless someone else. Of course we have to understand what stewardship is and what it means from a Biblical sense, and so, to make sure we are all on the same page, I have given us a working definition to use as we go through this series. Stewardship is understanding our role as caretakers of God's blessings. Of course that is not the end of the lesson on stewardship is it? I mean, if it was we could all go and pack up right now ad move on about our day…but…there is more we need to discuss together. Before we get there through, I want to tell you a little about what I did prior to being a full time pastor.
I’m not sure I’ve talked to much about what I did immediately prior to working full-time for a church. See, I had been working in a volunteer and bi-vocational capacity for many years, but then i was asked to sacrifice and go to work full-time for the church. Which is where my heart was, so it really was not a heard decision. Anyway, let me tell you a little about what I did. I worked in real estate, both flipping houses to sell as well as managing rentals. Mostly, rentals, but I did work with investors to flip houses to sell. So, when I started with this particular company called KCB I was just a maintenance tech. Meaning it was my job to go around to all of the properties we managed and fix whatever was wrong with those properties. I would have to do everything from carpentry, to appliance repair, or HVAC (which was my trade). So, I did that a few months and suddenly the owner of the company started to call me because I was both saving him money, and making him higher profits simply because I knew my job well. After a few months of us talking he decided to ask me to move into a more management position and oversee everyone else and train them how to get the job done as well. Sure…I can do that…of course that was met with a financial incentive, so that was nice. Well, eventually, he decided that he wanted to move me into the office and have me work as the over all business manager because the person that was working in that position was not doing well. He was constantly having to put more money into the company, instead of being able to pull money away from the company. Sure, I can do that. Well…at this point, I became the steward of over 600 housing units owned by around 20 different people of investment firms. It was my job to work for these owners in their best interest and get them the highest profits possible, and do so with a good reputation in the community. So…that’s what I did. I worked with people and I had to evict some people from their home, which was not an enjoyable experience, but unfortunately there are consequences to peoples actions. Well, my job was to raise profits, and that is what i set out to do. However, in order to most effectively raise profits, we had to raise expenses as well. You see, no one was going to pay top dollar for a run down product. So, within 3 months, I had raised profits in for everyone, but the largest one time increase was one owner who went from an income of around $75,000, and a profit of around $20K, to an income of over $130k and a profit of around $65K and that was just the first few months…It went up until I maxed this owner out (based on the reasonable market) to n income of around $150K-$160K. You see, I tell you that story, because I was working as their steward. The owner of that property was not in Lafayette to be able to do these things, so they relied on my to manage their property the way they wanted them managed. Their previous managers were just trying to be safe and not loose any funds…but unfortunately when you are in business like this…you will have to take a chance to some degree in order to realize the desired outcome.
That is actually somewhat similar to a story we are going to talk about today. Go ahead and open your Bibles up to Matthew ch 25 and we will look at that together here in a minute. Now, I like to give you a little information of the book we are going to look at. So Matthew wrote this letter as an account of these events specifically because he wanted to show the Jewish community that Jesus did in fact fit all of the criteria to be the promised Messiah. Matthew wrote to a Jewish and Jewish Christian audience living with the immediate area where these events took place. In other words, when Matthew wrote this account and began to pass it around, if it was found to be false, it would have easily be proven false because people who would have witnessed many of these events would have read these words. So, go ahead and open up to Matthew 25 so that we can read what I hope is a little practical for us today. Today we are going to read a parable, which is a story that Jesus used to teach a principle. From that, it is my goal that we are going to begin understand how we should be

Managing God’s Resources

We’ve talked about what God’s resources are…these are not simply financial, although finances are a large part of them. But there is also relationships, time, talents, anything God has blessed you with is a resource of God. Now, this can be a really difficult thing to think about, so, let’s just jump into a passage that I think is pretty easy for us to read and understand. Then we can see what God is showing us from that this morning. Turn with me over to...
Matthew 25:14–30 ESV
“For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more. So also he who had the two talents made two talents more. But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master’s money. Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them. And he who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five talents more, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me five talents; here, I have made five talents more.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ And he also who had the two talents came forward, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me two talents; here, I have made two talents more.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ He also who had received the one talent came forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed, so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here, you have what is yours.’ But his master answered him, ‘You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed? Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest. So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents. For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
Now, before we get to much into the details of managing Gods resources, I want to make sure that we all are on the same page when it comes to

Understanding God’s Resources

So, let’s define what God’s resources are. 1. God’s resources are time. Yeah, when even you say someone wasted your time…no they didn’t they wasted God’s time…That is not your time, you did not create that time and you do not control that time…deal… 2. God’s resources are talents. We have talked about this before…the skills and abilities that you poses, are a direct gift from God…what are you doing with them. Listen, let me just tell you, I’ve seen this happen. Someone is skilled musically, and they refuse to use that skill to glorify God…they say it is just for them privately…Then God removes that skill from that persons life. It’s a real thing that happens. So, when you think about the talents that you have, think about those being God’s resources. 3. God’s resources are opportunities. You know, the job you have or the potential to apply for a higher position or be a part of a larger organization. The time that you were able to start a business, or work for yourself. Those are opportunities that have come as a resource from God. 4. God’s resources are relationships. Your family, your friends, your coworkers, are all resources that God has placed into your care. What are you doing with those resources? Finally, 5. God’s resources are finances. This is the thing that most people think about when they think about resources. This is your treasure, the things that can pay the bills and provide a home for your children. This is the stuff that comes into your possession by none other than God and many of you know from personal experience that when you are faithful with what God has given you then you never have to be concerned about anything....not really anyway. Remember, from all of these things…Everything belongs to God. That is something that we forget sometimes…but we have been placed as managers over what God has placed in our care. We are responsible for how we are managing these resources that God continues to place in our care. But remember the definition of stewardship…understanding our role as caretakers of God’s resources...
So now that we all remember where these resources come from…lets take a look at the

Parable of the Talents

So we already read the story, but now I want to remind you of a couple of things real quick here, ok. First of all we have this story about how there was an owner who left his various managers in charge of various amounts of property. Two of those managers took what they had been given and they doubled it. That was a good return on his investment for the manager. However, the third guy was a bit nervous and so he just buried what he had been entrusted to him. I mean, he had a pretty compelling excuse some might say…however, others might say it was simply lazy to not even put the money in the back and allow the interest to build. So it seems like the third manager had a heart problem, not just an action problem, wouldn’t you say? You see, the actions of the first two men speak to their heart desiring to do the best for their boss, or at the very least not wanting to get in trouble by their boss…But the third person didn’t want to deal with that…it was going to be to much work…so they just buried what his boss gave him. This is a very significant difference here and there are some things we need to learn about how we manage God’s resources from this story. So let’s take a look at some

Lessons on Managing God’s Resources

First of all we need to understand something that we have said before. Stewardship is a mindset. If you remember last week we talked about how we should live a lifestyle of generosity and selflessness. If something is a lifestyle then it is weaved into how you live…it is simply a part of who you are…not just a thing that you do. We must recognize that we are stewards of God’s resources, not owners of our own resources. When this one thing clicks in your mind, it will begin to inform every other action you take with the resources God has entrusted to you. For instance, when someone loans you their car, you are a little more careful with it than when you are driving your own car, right? When someone loans you money, you try and repay then as quickly as possible. Well…when we really realize that God owns everything and he is allowing us to manage those things, it really begins to change our mindset about many things.
Think about the story that Jesus told. You see, the first two managers took what their boss had given them. They immediately began to use those resources in the way that the master would use them if he were there himself. However, the third guy…he is interesting becuase he acknowledges that his master is a hard man and is always looking for ways to build his wealth…However, instead of taking that to heart and using his masters resources in the same way…he decided to just hid it away. Kind of like what some of you have done with what God has entrusted to you…That’s a problem though isn’t it…I mean look at the response of the master to the one who just buried what was entrusted to him. What was entrusted, was removed. Some of you have wondered why things that God had entrusted you with aren’t around anymore…well…maybe because you buried it in the dirt becuase you didn’t want to misuse it or you were to scared to use those resources, that the master took those away and you need to repent this morning...
See, that speaks to the way that we need to balance this idea of

Fear Vs. Faith

See, it is really easy to not use God’s resources because we are scared we are gonna mess it all up. To be 100% transparent…that kept me from Following God into pastoral leadership for a very long time. I was terrified that I would mess every thing up…Now we know that I do mess it all up but that God is big enough to fix my junk, amen. But look at what the person who buried the talent in this story Jesus told. He buried it because he was terrified that he would lose it and so he buried to make sure that at least the master would have what he gave him. He wasn’t willing to do the work that the master normally did. What do you think that the master would have said if he lost it in some investment…He probably would have not been happy, but it wouldn’t been better than his worker not doing anything…See, God wants you to use what he has entrusted to you, and he wants you to have the faith that he is big enough to take care of you when you mess up..cause you will mess up. Listen, I can remember vividly telling people that I will never be a lead pastor because there is no way I can come up with sermon after sermon to share with the church. Then I can tell you I struggled, and still do sometimes, with the idea that anything I have to say has any value to anyone. That is why you will hear me pray that God would remove my words and leave only his…Because my words are stupid…But at some point I had to have the faith to say, Ok God…What is it that you need to say Ok God about this morning?
Finally we learn another lesson from this story Jesus told. We learn about


You see, you will have to give an account for our management of God’s resources one day. Will you be one of the servants who doubled their masters resources, or will you be the one who buried it and had it taken away? You see, the master took away those resources from the servants, but that was not the end of the story for Jesus was it. No, Jesus made it very clear that the one uses his resources properly will be given more…however, those who do not steward his resources properly will not only loose that resource, but will be cast out into the darkness…Now that sounds pretty scary doesn’t it? I mean this specifically says there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. This is the same language used for the eternal torment of Hell. However, how can Jesus through someone into Hell simply for not stewarding well? See…there is much more than simply the action of giving, or stewarding going on here. You see, this final point that Jesus makes is meant to wake us up as beleivers. This point is meant both for those who are overly hostile toward God and his Word…but also those who profess him without showing any evidence in their lives of the reality of that profession. In other words…this speaks to those that are pretending…maybe like some that are here today? There will be accountability and there will be a day when all of the pretending that you are doing here in life will not amount to anything when face to face with the God of creation who knows your very heart…you cannot fool him...
So, Im long out of time this morning, but I want to give you really quickly some practical application. So hree we go,

How to manage well

Just super quick here this morning ok...
1. Prioritize time and invest it wisely—look at what you have to do…are you using your time to glorify God, or to glorify self... 2. Develop and utilize talents for God's kingdom— look at what you are able to do. Listen, I’ve told the story before about the gifted teachers that said they didn’t want to teach on the weekends also…If God gave you an ability, are you willing to use it for him…or only for yourself? 3. Give generously and responsibly with our treasures— Look at your finances…are you giving the bare minimum to God, or are you giving cheerfully like we discussed last week, and generously the way he has gifted you. Listen, some of you have been entrusted with the gift of affluence (or financial abundance)…frankly, you are the servant that was given 5 talents, more is expected when more is entrusted. Also, some of you are entrusted with amazing skills, and in the same way, when more is entrusted, more is required from God. However, please do not think that becuase you gave some of your resources, you are not called to use your skills and abilities as well…Everything you have belongs to God…it is up to you to use what has been entrusted appropriately. Finally, 4. Seek opportunities to serve and make a difference— When you are actively using what God has entrusted to you, you will desire to do that more. Last week we talked about the fact that even the secular world knows that giving to others and helping others is an amazing thing to do…are you relying on others to do what you should be doing.
Listen, I will leave you with this thought. There is alot of debate in the church about whether we are called to tithe under the new covenant. I will tell you my opinion is that God has never said that previous commands were no longer valid…however, beyond that. Think about the wastefulness of our government agencies. I don’t care what political tribe you line up with, you have to acknowledge the inefficiencies. Those things only exist becuase the church was not doing what the church was called to do. Can you imagine if everyone that calls LRBC their spiritual home actively gave at least 10% and if we, as a church directed those funds to ministry outside of the church…we would massively impact the community around us for Christ. If a majority of Western Christians gave at least this amount, and if churches directed it to appropriate ends, much of world poverty could be eradicated and millions more could hear the gospel. So..what is it that God is calling you to do with your resources, financial and otherwise this morning...
Let’s pray: asking for God's guidance and empowerment in managing His resources effectively beginning this week.
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